Step 1: Visit the website
Go to the website address of the store or company you want to buy the product from.
Find product categories via the Menu or use the Search Bar on the page.
Step 2: Select a product
Select the product you want to buy by clicking on the image or product name.
View product details, price, description, and related information.
Enter the quantity you want to buy (if necessary).
Click "Add to Cart".
Step 3: Check the cart
Click on the Cart icon (usually in the upper right corner of the screen).
Check the list of selected products, quantity, and total order value.
If you want to adjust the quantity or delete a product, click on the corresponding options.
Step 4: Log in or Register an account (if required)
If you already have an account, select "Log in".
If you don't have one, click "Register" to create a new account or continue with Buy without an account (if you have one).
Step 5: Enter delivery information
Fill in your full name, address, phone number, and email.
Select a delivery method and view the estimated time of receipt.
Step 6: Select a payment method
Common payment methods include:
Cash on delivery (COD)
Bank transfer
Payment via e-wallet (Momo, ZaloPay, etc.)
Credit card/Debit card
Choose the appropriate method and provide information if needed.
Step 7: Confirm order
Review all order information one last time.
If correct, click "Confirm order" or "Place order".
Step 8: Receive notification and track order
You will receive an email or text message confirming your order with the order number.
Track the shipping process via your personal account or the tracking link sent via email.
Step 9: Receive and check the goods
When the goods are delivered, please check the product before paying (if COD).
If there is a problem with the product, contact customer service immediately for support.

Buying Guide